So I’m back on the buses.

I love this blog, even though practically no one else reads it, it’s still fun to journalize my meanderings in the world of public transit. One day when I’m old and gray, I’m going to give a hearty chuckle and peruse these posts with some unfortunate grandson who is being forced to relive his old pappy’s past through that archaic thing called “the Internet.”

Anywho, back to the real world. I’m back on a 4 hr/day commuting routine again, just like high school (though shorter than when I worked at the Capitol). The final link in my commute is the Sacramento Light Rail system, run by Regional Transit, a practically bankrupt old bureaucracy that is losing ridiculous amounts of money.

So, me being the thoughtful, observant person I am, upon discovering this, decided to help: By not paying as much as I should. Bam.